You would not believe just how much is said about the swinger lifestyle that is just plain wrong and sometimes even deceiving. Let’s explore some of the most popular misconceptions about the swinger lifestyle so you don’t fall for them like so many couples and singles do while they are thinking about joining the swinger lifestyle community.

The Swinger Lifestyle Is All About Cheating

The actual swinger lifestyle is about consensual sex and partner swapping. Since all sex is consensual, it can’t be considered cheating.

Cheating is when one partner has sex with someone besides their partner without their partners consent and approval. Cheating involves deception, swinging does not. I’m sure cheating can happen even with swinger couples. But not during consensual swinging.

So, no, swinging is not all about cheating.

Swingers Have a Troubled Relationship or Are Trying to Fix a Bad Relationship

Some swingers do have troubled relationships just like the vanilla population. Some swingers even think that swinging can fix a bad relationship. This is very far from the truth. Swinging will most likely make a bad relationship even worse. Not better.

The swinging actually requires a strong relationship that is open and honest. Swinging can actually make a strong relationship even stronger. If you ask just about any seasoned swinger, they will recommend that a couple with a troubled relationship to not even consider trying the swinger lifestyle.

So, this one is only partially true. There are some swinger couples that do have a troubled relationship or think swinging will fix their bad relationship. But, on the other hand, many swingers have very strong relationships and swinging actually brings them closer together.

Swingers Will Have Sex With Anyone

Sorry, this one is far from true. The people that think this have probably watched one to many swinger porn movies aimed at single guys. Swingers in some porn movies do seem like they will have sex with anyone. But we are talking real life here. Swingers are actually some of the most selective people when it comes to picking additional sex partners.

Yes, you have a few swingers that will have sex with almost anyone, but those swingers are very rare. The majority of swingers will not. So, this one is false when it comes to saying blanketly that swingers will have sex with anyone.

Swinging Is All About Orgies and Group Sex

Some swingers do enjoy partaking in orgies and group sex. But not all of them. Different swingers enjoy different sex dynamics. Some enjoy straight partner swapping, threesomes, same room sex, soft swapping only, and some just enjoy watching or being watched.

Many swingers enjoy these more limited sexual encounters over orgies and group sex.

So, this one is only partially true. Some swingers do enjoy orgies and group sex, while other swingers do not. On second thought, since swinging is not just about orgies and group sex, let’s call this one false.

Swinging Is Just About Sex

Actually, many vanilla people think that swinging and the swinger lifestyle is only about sex. Yes, sex is a major part of swinging, but not the only thing.

While sex is a key component in swinging, many swingers also enjoy and value the socializing with other swingers and form friendships that last a lifetime.

So, no, swinging may have a major sex aspect to it, it is not just about sex.

Swinging Always Is About Random Partner Swapping

This misconception stems from the swinger key party’s myth. Swinger key parties are more of a pop culture myth than an actual reality. Just ask any swinger when was the last time they went to a so called key party. They will probably tell you never or ask you what a key party is.

A key party was supposedly a party swingers went to and placed their keys in a bowl. Then everyone at the party would draw a set of keys out of the bowl and then have sex with the person the keys belonged to.

I can see this being possible with very small intimate swinger parties where everyone knows each other extremely well and has had sex with everyone at the party in the past. But not at large parties where very few know anyone else. Swingers in general are selective about who they have sex with. Most couples in the swinger lifestyle also insist that their partner not just take one for the team and have sex with someone they don’t want to have sex with.

Let’s flag this one as 90% false.

Swinging Will Ruin a Good Relationship

I believe this misconception comes from the crowd that feels they need to judge everyone that is not like them. Swinging can actually enhance a strong relationship by improving communications and increasing shared experiences. The word compersion comes to mind.

Now, on the other hand, if a couple claims to have a strong relationship, but they actually have a relationship of mistrust, jealousy, and envy, swinging will most likely destroy their relationship.

So, no, swinging will not ruin a good relationship unless it actually is not as good as the couple thought it was. So, let’s call this one false.

Swingers Never Get Jealous

Oh my, how this misconception is totally false. Swingers do get jealous. Swingers do get envious. These feelings are common with everyone to some degree.

Swingers learn to manage and talk out their jealousy and insecurities. This simple act can actually bring a couple closer. Swingers work to manage these unhealthy emotions in healthy ways. Many discover compersion for the first time, and that helps them to greatly reduce jealousy and insecurities.

So, this one is 100% false.

Only a Particular Type of Person Swings

Many vanilla people think that only certain types of people become swingers. That is far from the truth. Swingers come from just about all walks of life.

You will see swingers from pretty much all races, religions, occupations, and every tax bracket. We have personally met swingers that are; shop owners, executives, pilots, law enforcement members, judges, rich, poor, very fit, not so fit, janitors, professional models, actors, married, divorced, single, schoolteachers, and more.

Swingers come in all shapes and size, and from all walks of life. I’ll be calling this misconception 100% false.

Swinging Is Just Free-for-All Sex

Since this misconception is basically so close to a few other misconceptions we already explored, let’s just call this one false right from the start.

Become a Swinger and Get Laid Today!

This misconception grew rampant especially in the single guy community from lots of false advertising by companies and individuals that wanted to prey on horny guys and desperate couples. They would make up pie in the sky claims that you could spend $29.00 on an eBook, read it in an hour and get laid a few hours later.

Let me just say it. You will not get laid by becoming a swinger just because you spent money and believed the hype the scammer told you. It does take actual social skills and the ability to present yourself well. Becoming a swinger is not a ticket to unlimited sex regardless of what you look like or act like. If you paid someone that told you this, you have been scammed.

Of course, this misconception is 100% false.

Final Thoughts

Now that you are aware that there are lots of misconceptions floating around about the swinger lifestyle, why not learn what it really is?

The best place to start learning all about the swinger lifestyle is to read and study our New Swingers Guide. You can check it out and start your journey into the swinging by clicking the link below.

New Swingers Guide